Boat Clamps Can You Fix A Broken Tenor Sax Neck Clamp Screw?

Can you fix a broken tenor sax neck clamp screw? - boat clamps

Hello, I recently bought a used tenor sax, (keep in mind, I'll keep it), the problem is that the screw into the caliper between the boa and the body of the sax goes, is interrupted in the forceps. Is it possible, without spending a lot of money to repair this boat?
Thanks in advance!


Lady Prism said...

In fact, one can almost change yourself. You need only get the piece.

When he broke his head and looked to see if a screw protruding from the other side ... to grasp with tongs and out of the pan (take careful that the email due sax though!).

If there is not enough screws protrude from entering the other side, you can use a small cutter () just like a Dremel. Is directly in the thread, about 1:8, 1/16th of an inch, insert a paper clip with superglue at the end. Allow to dry and use it to turn the screws.

Then go buy at any music store and a new collar bolt for about $ 15. If you have children in the workshop to do all the work, pay about $ 45 to $ 60

Good luck and I hope this helps! :)

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